
'Creating Placid'

I feel that my Summer is over after each year I compete at the Lake Placid Summit Classic in picturesque Lake Placid, NY. Last year in 2023, during my last game at the tournament an idea while playing in goal came to me. It was simply the goal I was defending and the iconic ski jumps in the distance. My goal was to create something to highlight and share with my Placid teammates - something that would last.


I play lacrosse not to just get a good workout, but to take my mind off from work and everyday life. But the ironic thing is that almost every time I'm in the lacrosse goal my creativity is sparked. Funny how that happens.

After our last game which we played and won on a very muddy field, I took this pic of the goal, that to me, had the best composition for a new piece - a piece that defined Placid lacrosse. It was my second year playing with this team. I knew we weren't contenders for a championship in our bracket, but regardless this new piece of art could be a yearly award to create the team culture we wanted. After discussing with our team leader, the idea was a go.

About a week prior to the start of Placid '24, I was up in East Burke, VT with family and the scenery reminded me of the upcoming deadline if this idea was going to happen. So I went to work.

It was a rush job and done within a morning. It was prepped and digitally edited to be reproduced upon my return home, and then 48 hours later packed along with my lacrosse equipment to make the trip to Lake Placid. Three, framed prints were made for an offensive, midfield and defensive recipient. They were: Guy Calandra (A), Kevin Gunderson (F/O) and Mike Riso (D).

Seeing them accept these awards - pieces of art - made me feel very proud, and capping off another great week up in Lake Placid. I'm already looking forward to next year!

All images ©The Art of Lax™ - by Vincent Ricasio

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